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Reiki for Animals


As holistic therapies and a desire for more natural approaches to healthcare grow, Reiki is increasingly being offered to animals as well as people. Animals are often very receptive, and this technique can be very effective for relaxation and have many other potential benefits.

Starting out as a Reiki for Animals Practitioner

It is a privilege to offer Reiki to Animals but carries a great responsibility as they are unable to give verbal consent. TRA’s information sheet ‘Starting out as a Reiki for Animals Practitioner’, will give you the information you need to start offering Reiki to Animals at a personal level.

For anyone wishing to offer Reiki to animals other than their own, family and friend’s animals that they know well, we would recommend additional Reiki for Animals (RfA) training.

The publication -Understanding Animals: A working Guide for Reiki Practitioners has been produced by the Reiki Council to support practitioners wishing to offer Reiki to Animals professionally.

Reiki for animals and the law

Reiki is not a replacement for veterinary treatment, medication or other care and it can support veterinary care and other animal care or can be used, where appropriate, alone. Reiki for Animals practitioners like other animal care Practitioners must abide by the requirements of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), It is illegal to offer any diagnosis.

Animals with an undiagnosed medical condition should be seen by a vet prior to a Reiki session unless the Reiki is being given in an emergency situation whilst waiting for a vet to arrive, or on route to a vet.

Training Standards for Offering Reiki to Animals

There are National Occupational Standards for offering Reiki for Animals, developed through collaboration between the Reiki Council, RCVS and LANTRA.

Reiki Council member organisations are now offering professional recognition

It is important to ensure practitioners working with animals meet the standards that other animal professionals adhere to for credibility within the animal care industry and to reinforce the image of Reiki to the wider public.

TRA provides a recognition service for Reiki for Animals public practitioners. This provides evidence of your Reiki learnings and practice, knowledge and experience in relation to working with and understanding animals, and competence in Reiki delivery to benefit different animals in various situations.

The current cost for this is £75 to the Evaluator plus an admin fee of £45.

If you are interested in applying for recognition, please contact xxxxxx, TRA Reiki for Animals (RfA) liaison officer at animalreiki@reikiassociation.net. You may find it useful to check our faq’s for more information.

Application for Reiki for Animals Practitioner recognition

This application process has been created to:

  • Help applicants be fully prepared to conduct Reiki sessions with animals competently in a safe, legal and completely ethical manner
  • Enable Reiki organisations to professionally recognise proficient practitioners
  • Raise standards of RfA training and practice
  • Create a solid platform from which to generate awareness of RfA as a profession in its own right, and optimally publicise professionally recognised practitioners and approved training courses.

Pre-requisites to application:

  • Reiki level I and II completed
  • Minimum 9 months practice since Reiki I
  • Reiki Attunements/Initiations/Reiju must have been received in-person
  • RfA training to public practitioner level OR if applying based on experience, a minimum of 100 hours offering Reiki to animals (with at least 75% being in-person)
  • RfA training (when undertaken) to have included in-person practical sessions for your teacher to teach/observe/advise on your Reiki with animals
  • A valid insurance policy which covers you for humans and animals

Reiki for Animals

The Reiki Council is currently working on accrediting courses that provide ALL the necessary information and training to meet Reiki Practitioner for Animals standards. Once courses have been accredited details will be available in the TRA directory and on the Reiki Council website.

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