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Council and Circle of Service (CoS)

Our Elected Council: Heartbeat of The Reiki Association

The Council of The Reiki Association is composed of Members of The Reiki Association, who put their names forward to stand and are elected by the Membership during the Annual General Meeting. Each member of Council will act as a Director of the not-for-profit company, which is how The Reiki Association is setup, volunteering their time to help guide the association forward, and where applicable expenses are reimbursed.

If you would like to consider standing for Council, the following criteria need to be considered:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Have embraced the gift of Reiki for a minimum of two years.
  • Must have held membership of TRA for 2 years (not necessarily consecutive years).
  • Must be initiated either into Second Degree Reiki or as a Reiki Master.
  • Pledge to uphold and actively support The Reiki Associations’ Statement of Identity.
  • Have participated in a prior TRA gathering/AGM online or in person.
  • Be willing to express your motivation and potential contribution in a brief statement during the AGM.
  • Ensure no circumstance exists that hinders directorship within a limited company.

Our Circle of Service: Life blood of The Reiki Association

The Circle of Service enables the various functions that are required to deliver service to our Membership.

Contact details:

Membership Secretary
Membership Secretary